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Special Ed Testing & Evaluations in Katy, Texas

Accurate testing and evaluations are the foundation of an effective individualized education program (IEP). These assessments help determine the specific educational needs of a child and ensure that appropriate services and supports are provided. Unfortunately, the process can be complicated, and schools may not always provide the necessary evaluations or interpretations.

Having a knowledgeable attorney by your side can make all the difference. Swanson Law, PLLC can help you understand your child's rights under federal and state laws, review evaluation reports, advocate for additional assessments if needed, and make sure the results are accurately reflected in your child’s IEP.

Located in Katy, Texas, Swanson Law, PLLC focuses on helping families understand and manage their children's educational needs. Reach out to Attorney Swanson today to schedule a consultation.

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Texas Laws Governing Testing & Evaluations

Texas has specific regulations governing the testing and evaluations for special education. These tests and evaluations are carried out by a multidisciplinary team, which includes professionals from various disciplines, such as psychology, special education, and speech therapy.

This team approach ensures a comprehensive assessment considering all aspects of the child's development and educational needs.

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) outlines requirements for initial evaluations, reevaluations, and the process for determining a child's eligibility for special education services.

Initial Evaluations

In Texas, all schools are responsible for conducting comprehensive initial evaluations to determine if a child has a disability and whether they require special education services.

These tests and evaluations must cover various areas, including academic performance, cognitive abilities, and social-emotional development. Parents have the right to request an initial evaluation if they believe their child needs special education services.


Reevaluations are conducted to assess the ongoing needs of a child who is already receiving special education services.

These must occur at least once every three years, or more frequently if requested by parents or educators. Reevaluations help make sure the IEP remains relevant and effective as the child's needs change over time.

Dispute Resolution

If parents disagree with the school's evaluation, they can request an independent educational evaluation (IEE) at public expense.

This means another qualified professional not employed by the school will conduct the assessment. Pursuing an IEE can often be complicated, but an experienced attorney can provide beneficial guidance and support.

Parental Consent

In Texas, schools must obtain informed consent from parents before conducting evaluations. This ensures that parents are fully aware of the process and can ask questions or express concerns regarding the assessments.

Timelines for Evaluations

Texas law mandates that initial evaluations must be completed within 45 school days from the date the school receives parental consent. This timeline is crucial to make sure eligible children receive timely services and support based on their identified needs.

How Swanson Law PLLC Can Help

Swanson Law PLLC plays an instrumental role in advocating for the rights and needs of your child. Some of the essential special education services they offer include the following:

  • Comprehensive evaluation review: Attorney Swanson will meticulously review all evaluation reports to make sure they are thorough and accurate. This includes checking for any discrepancies or omissions that could impact the services provided in the IEP.

  • Advocacy for additional testing: If the initial evaluations are incomplete or inadequate, Attorney Swanson will advocate for additional assessments to ensure a complete understanding of your child's needs. This might involve requesting specific tests or evaluations that the school has not considered.

  • Interpretation of test results: Understanding the technical language and data in evaluation reports can be challenging. Attorney Swanson will help interpret these results, translating them into actionable information that can be used to develop an effective IEP.

  • Legal representation in meetings: Attorney Swanson will accompany you to IEP meetings, help you stand up for your child's rights, and make sure the evaluation results are accurately incorporated into the IEP. Her presence can make a significant difference in the outcomes of these meetings.

  • Help with personalized IEP development: Swanson Law PLLC is committed to helping you create a personalized IEP that reflects your child's unique needs. Attorney Swanson will collaborate with educators and the multidisciplinary team and strive to make sure the goals and objectives outlined in the IEP are tailored to support your child's growth and learning journey. 

  • Ongoing support and communication: Attorney Swanson offers ongoing support and communication throughout the school year. She is available to address concerns or changes so that your child's IEP is monitored and adjusted as necessary to meet evolving educational demands.

Special Education Testing & Evaluations Serving Katy, Texas

Attorney Swanson brings a unique blend of experience and passion to her practice. Before obtaining her law degree, she taught special education for nearly a decade, which has given her a deep understanding of educational challenges. Through Swanson Law PLLC, her mission is to find the most efficient solutions to help families advocate for their children's educational needs. If you're in Katy, Texas, or the surrounding areas, reach out today.